Postcards from the Riviera

Life in the south of France is wonderful. After a year of life on the Riviera my hair has grown back and I don’t feel like I’m in a rush anymore. All that city stress has left me.

On Saturdays I host a cafe sketch session in the historical center of Hyères. Here are some of the illustrations that are available via my online shop.

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Illustrations of my life in France are now available

In Hyères life is quiet. There is lots to do but the pace is slower than the big city Paris. People are kind and let you cross the street instead of threatening to roll you. People have time for you.

There are palm trees and beaches and sand and blue skies and stars. Lots of yoga classes. I even saw a budgie in a tree. There is a park with peacocks. The airport from Toulon is in Hyères.

The place feels like a mix between California and Italy.