n 2019349 Haricots Verts

n 201949 Haricots Verts – a postcard (sized illustration) from Paris

For 8 months I lived in this 5th story walk up. There wasn’t a kitchen. Rather, there was a very basic kitchen; a one-burner hotplate and a microwave with a grill function. All we ate was roast chicken, eggs, and haricot verts. This feels like rationed food. Everytime I walk into a supermarket it feels like they are rationing our food in these little packages.

It’s interesting to know the story of packaging. It began with the Scottish army. Quickly it was understood the power of imagery and labels in packaging. Now, all we buy is a bit of food in a package. It’s not the food, it’s the package. There is a huge economy behind packaging and it’s creating a big pile of trash on the planet…

As the strikes and the gilet jaunes break the French economy — because believe me they are destroying, it big time — I have begun teaching English in elementary schools. For years I’ve taught English to French kids on a private basis. But this is different. All my artist friends everywhere are in the same situation. We artists are the end of the food chain and we are all at a turning point because the Western World economy is breaking.

Why am I telling you this? Because on my lunch break I go to the grocery store cafe and draw stuff. Thus haricots verts in a box.

n 2019468 Finess Saucisson

n 201948 Finess Saucisson

When I was drawing this it reminded me of a story about the Macchiaioli in Livorno. One painter was to poor to buy his own fish from the fishmonger in order to paint a still-life. He had to borrow his neighbour’s fish, paint it then give it back.

Why did I think of this story? Because I’m sitting in a supermarket cafe, waiting on my lunch break as I am now subisitute teaching English in French schools. I borrowed the sausage from the shelf.

Follow this link to see all the available Postcards from Paris

25 euro free international standard postage.

n 2019467 Sausage

n 201947 Sausage – an oringinal postcard-sized illustration from Paris

When I was drawing this it reminded me of a story about the Macchiaioli in Livorno. One painter was to poor to buy his own fish from the fishmonger in order to paint a still-life. He had to borrow his neighbour’s fish, paint it then give it back.

Why did I think of this story? Because I’m sitting in a supermarket cafe, waiting on my lunch break as I am now subisitute teaching English in French schools. I borrowed the sausage from the shelf.

Follow this link to see all the available Postcards from Paris

25 euro free international standard postage.