Grand Canyon Love

original oil painting of the Grand Canyon by Angie Brooksby-Arcangioli
Grand Canyon Love: 80×80 cm , oil on canvas , 2017 Angie Brooksby-Arcangioli

After the sad decision made by  officials in Washington D.C. to sell the United States national parks I am pouring love into every brushstoke. All the paintings I make for my upcoming show in Sedona will be pure love. Gobs of love from my palette to the canvas.
I hope this view will not be spoiled by greed. Condominiums or a hotel.

I will miss this painting when it goes to a happy client’s home. The illusion of distance is a window in my Parisian living room. It is my favorite so far for the Southwest series.

It leaves next week to go to Carré d’artistes Sedona gallery. I’ll be there June 17th and will do a live painting demonstration. All the way from Paris, France.