Fly me to Sedona


On June 17th I’ll be in Sedona, Arizona for a live painting demonstration. To help pay for my expenses I’ve put up a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo. Here is the link

Fly Me to Sedona

I’m hoping to raise just $750 to help buy my plane tickets.

My total expenses will be over $2000 for the four day trip.

One of the perks I’m offering is a postcard-sized watercolor of Sedona’s famous Bell Rock. I’ll write whatever you want and send from Sedona to anywhere in the world. This could be a fun surprise for a friend.

I’m also offering painting workshops, limited edition lithographs, and some original paintings.

If you’ll be in Sedona on Saturday June 17th come see me paint at the

Tlaquepaque Arts & Crafts Village
336 State Route 179, Suite B121
86336 Sedona, Arizona
Tél. : 928-282-8704
Email :

Here are some of the large paintings that will befor sale at the gallery.  All are oil on canvas.


Heavan and Rock, 100x100cm, oil on canvas
Canyonlands, 80x80cm, oil on canvas
Painted Meadows, 50x50cm oil on canvas
50x50Love is a Pinto Pony
Love is a Pinto Pony, 50x50cm, oil on canvas
Cliffs 50x50cm
40x120-When the Valley is Blue
When the Valley is Blue, 40x120cm
Canyon de Chelley, 100x100cm
Pink Time, 80×80 cm, oil on canvas, ©2017 Angie Brooksby-Arcangioli